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History Painting

One of my projects that interests me most is approaching historical genre painting from a modern perspective. This type of painting is really the one that I find most interesting, as it combines all the other genres into one, and represents a technical challenge of great proportions. Needless to say, the relevance of painting historical themes within the Western pictorial tradition. An approach that I am interested in doing is incorporating time into action. Traditional historical painting depicts scenes statically. In that sense, my search begins in how to incorporate time, and make the scene gain dynamism. The representation of movement and time are old in painting. Avant-gardes such as cubism or futurism made approaches to the subject. My incorporation of time into the scene has the main purpose, as I already mentioned, of dynamizing it, and that dynamism is presented to the viewer in the sense of representing history as a living fact. There are numerous interpretations that we give to present events, and I understand this to be because the present event is a living fact, that is: the present is constructed by human beings and its interpretation is determined by the subjectivity of individuals. At this point I make a clarification about a personal position: although I believe that there is a single truth, and I am not a supporter of the postmodern vision of multiple truths, I do think that each individual interprets reality with a personal vision, which is in agreement to an environmental context: personal and sociocultural. This interpretation may then be correct or wrong, since I understand reality as unique. On the history side it is the same. I understand history as a past reality; but interpreted by various subjects, which ends up leading to a multiplicity of points of view on the historical event. The story came to my ears with a unique interpretation, which derived from the dominant groups that managed to impose their vision of past reality over time. But in our times we witness different historical revisionisms, which have brought us other interpretations of the facts, of course all of them, both dominant and alternative, crossed by the author's ideology and environmental context. For this reason, I believe that classical painting represents static scenes, and that in this lack of dynamism a uniqueness of points of view is also represented. My vision is different, since in dynamism I intend to express the multiplicity of points of view, which must, in a collective interpretation of the facts, arrive at a single truth, which is why I think that the uniqueness of points of view on the historical fact is far from bringing the truth closer, distances it. I understand the interpretation of reality as a collective fact, which is present in the multiplicity of visions and the community's effort to reach a valid vision of what happened both in the past and in the present.

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