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The constant act of painting.


Painting is part of my life. I feel like a painter, not a person who pints. The constant act of portraying part of a belief and a necessity at the same time. Painting something, like anything, is part of the impulse to express, to be painting. Many times with many motifs, others without any other objective than the act of painting. Painting is an act in situ, a moment, a second of time, no matter how long. A time held, a reality of which I forget or which once transformed into a world of fantasy in which I feel happy. Painting is a way of forgetting many sorrows, and of transforming time and space into something new. Painting is an indissociable part of the painter, it is an act en si, it is an eternal moment. For this very often I simply put it, without thinking a lot about projects or coming up with more intentions than being in front of the working horse. Painting is work. Painting is a momentary effort, but also part of life as a whole. It is the time of horse riding, but all the time that you have left, of study, of constant practice. Painting is the value of work and effort, because painting is not conceivable without effort. Painting is not for improvised nor for fearful people, it is for forced and determined people. It's not an expense, it's time, effort and value. The value of reversed time. Painting is introspection and it is saving everything that one holds inside. Painting is the second that lasts for eternity, but eternity passes to you in a second. It is to express a talent, but also have its own limitations. It's about overcoming myself, about trying every day to be better at what I do, to put all your energy into the moment of shaping the work. Painting many things, many things as to be returned to the light, as to think of it as a greater act. It is an act but much more than an act, it is a moment but it is worth much more than the time, it is effort but something superior to my strengths. But I don't want to write this and I can express exactly what it means to paint for me. Sometimes for this reason, many times I wouldn't want to write it down (or better I say, because I wanted to put something on my web page), until I simply wrote it down. In this section I'm going to encounter pictures without feeling, or better I say, with a lot of feeling, with the feeling of putting all of myself into my work and expressing it, I'm going to encounter a grit that rises from the deepest depths of my soul and that I would like to have that the world is very strong. Now you may or may not enjoy my painting, but to paraphrase Florence Foster, you can decide either I am good or I am bad; but you will never have the point in being able to say that I didn't paint.

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